Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dancing with the Devil, Flirting with Death, and Tacos

I just finished (literally, as in less that 5 minutes ago) a book that I enjoyed SO much I had to share it immediately.  It's called Hold Me Closer, Necromancer by Seattle author Lish McBride and it is absolutely fantastic.

So great in fact, that  I'm tempted to wake up my roommate and force him to read it too, and go to the bf's and do the same to him!  ;)

Seriously though, the book really is great.  It tells the story of Sam LaCroix, a poor, directionless college drop-out who spends his days dreaming of flipping burgers while forced to work the register in a fast food dive.  On the plus side - Sam has awesome friends and a great sense of humor, that is until a big baddie storms into their lives and all hell breaks loose.  Don't worry though, he never loses the humor.

I enjoyed every second of discovery with this book, so I'm loathe to say anything else for fear of spoiling or giving anything away.

I will say that HMC, N has a bit of everything that I love, all bundled into one great package: Whedonesque humor, well-fleshed out characters (pun intended?), a solid story, sufficiently creepy bad guys, GREAT FEMALE CHARACTERS, zombies, witches, the fey, Seattle, werewolves, dragons and garden gnomes, just to name a few...

No really, it's all in there, and it's not too much to much to fit into one book.  Really.

What this book is, is the culmination of what happens when you write what you love, and just go with the flow.  The story is engaging and witty with a fast-paced flow that keeps you turning pages in eager anticipation of what could possibly come next.  The chapters are all named after song lyrics too, which is an added perk and helps add a dose of brevity to what can sometimes be darer material, and I really appreciated that.  It feels like a lot of humor has been lost from our entertainment lately and even tiny bursts of the ridiculous can make the drama enfolding that much more poignant.  I laughed out loud when I got to Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting since it added a new level of hilarious imagery to an already hectic scene - not to mention getting that song stuck in my head.  Ha!  Now it's stuck in yours too.  You're welcome.

The only thing this book did not have, sadly, was tacos.  That's ok though, I needed a breakfast anyway!  ;)

1 comment:

  1. I'LL READ IT, I'll read it. My email notifications of new posts haven't been working, but... I'm on top of that bizniss.
