Friday, May 13, 2011

Canada Cures Cancer - world says "meh"

So I was poking about on Reddit a few minutes ago when I saw this:

Scientists find a simple cure for cancer, Big Pharma refuses to get involved because they can't patent it. Why isn't this in the news? 

Naturally, I found this a little intriguing as some of my family members and friends have had cancer in the past.  Plus, it's FRIKKIN' CANCER!!!!!!!

So of course I followed the link to here:

The article itself was definitely interesting.  Canadian researchers found a cure to one of the biggest diseases to plague modern society.  A disease, I might add, whose cause  we participate in by way of our lifestyle choices (to a certain degree, I do realize that this isn't always the case/cause).

Of course this is preliminary.  It has passed human trials and been effective.  It just needs a lab to actually produce the drug, which few will do as there is no profit in it.

That thought makes me sad, that as a race we would allow a discovery like this to happen and not do anything about it.  That we would continue to do business with companies that put their bottom line above the well-being of their customers.  When did we get to be so callous?

Oh well, that’s a rant for another afternoon.  One more cloudy.

Yes, I am taking this with a grain of salt, it does sound a little too good to be true, but it's a happy thought for this sunny Friday afternoon.  :)

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