Friday, May 6, 2011

Size matters: The trials and tribulations of the modern barbarian

After much speculation on the parts of fans, the trailer for the new Conan movie has finally been released and I have to say, I'm not 100% sure what to think.

I loved the original Conan movies as a kid.  (I have never read the comics, so my opinion is not based on Howard's work).  They were fun, very intense (when you're 8) and full of adventure.  And we all know that Arnold isn't the best of actors, so expecting too much from Jason Momoa is just silly no matter how much we enjoy him on Game of Thrones.

Rose McGowan is in it too, after a failed attempt at starring in the Red Sonja remake - no fault of her own I might add...that's all on Robert Rodriguez.  See if you can actually recognize her in the trailer.

All in all, it looks like it might be an interesting movie.  Epic adventures, magic, mayhem, all the staples of a good fantasy genre film.  There's just this one tiny detail that's bothering me: the sword.

Maybe it's just me, but his sword looks a bit dinky to me.  Like more of a pig-sticker than an actual sword.  It could be because Jason Momoa is so large, but then, so was Arnold, and his sword didn't look puny!  I just imagine him with a broadsword.  Massive and wielded only by those with the strength to heft them (seriously, I had to use one for a stage combat class once and those things are heavy.

Either way, here it is:

Check it out for yourself.

And let me know what you think about the sword!  ;)

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